Revocable Living Trust Legal Document Preparation
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Revocable Living Trust Legal Document Preparation
You can plan your legacy with a Last Will & Testament package.
Our Complete Estate Plan includes health care and guardianship provisions.
A Living Trust gives you control and direction for your assets to protect your family’s interests. Obtain a complete Estate Plan & Trust with “My Life Package”.
Get started today: it’s quick & easy, and less costly than hiring an attorney. Our service is efficient & affordable. Your documents are accurate & complete.
Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney allows you to give legal permission to another person or organization to act on your behalf in a variety of legal and financial situations. The different types of POA: General, which grants broad powers; Special, allows you to grant authority for specified situations only; Healthcare, only gives authority to act on your behalf in with regard to medical care.
Estate Planning Documents
Estate Planning covers documents related to assessing your assets and determining how to distribute them before and after your death. There are planning worksheets, estate size calculators, and documents for specifying the details for your memorial or funeral service.
Estate Administration Probate
When you are responsible for handling the legal affairs of someone who has died, you are likely to have to get involved in the probate process. Probate is the legal process by which the distribution of possessions and resolution of claims occurs after someone dies.
Living Wills
Your living will is an important part of your estate plan. Your living will allows you to specify your intentions regarding end of life decisions or designate an individual to make those decisions for you.
A trust is a legal and financial entity that designates the use of the assets assigned for a specific purpose. You can set up a trust to save for college for your kids, to designate how you (and your spouse) wish to spend the assets you have while you are living, and indicate distribution of assets after your death.
Your will is an important part of your estate plan – it specifies how you would like your possessions to be distributed after you die and who you would like to be in charge of managing the process. We have wills that are tailored for your life situation – single, married, adults with and without children, and grandparents.
Don’t Forget about your Pets!
In the legal system, animal laws reflect that pets are considered property. All pet owners know that this “property” is a live and breathing “family member.” Anthem Legal Services now offers a Pet Trust within the Pet Protection Trust Package. We do volunteer work for local Animal Rescue Charities. We have found that most people feel that your pets are your family members. It’s obvious. When it comes to legal documents, why not treat them with the same respect? We offer documents such as Pet Care Agreements, Power of Attorney, Pet Adoption Papers, and Guardianship Agreements.